Julia Maltz

Embellish Your Event With Signage

US Hole In One mainly provides insurance for three types of contests -- hole in one contests, putting contests, and shootout contests. Our clients are always pleased to find that we also supply many extras in addition to prize insurance. We offer complimentary bonus...

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Who Will Be in the US Olympic Men’s Golf Team?

As the 2016 Summer Olympics quickly approaches, we witnessed some drama this past week as professional golfers announced whether or not they would join the US men’s team. There is growing concern about the Zika Virus in Brazil, along with political unrest and security...

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US Hole In One Annual Sales Events

All of us here at US Hole In One hope your July 4th holiday was filled with lots of sun, fun, and hopefully some golf! We’d like to thank everyone who participated in our Independence Day sale. If you’re a little late reading and missed our sale, there’s no need to...

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July 4th Savings: $35 Off During Our 3 Day Sale!

Swing your golf club and let freedom ring this July 4th with our Independence Day sales event! At US Hole In One, we know that summer is the time when golfers venture out to the course to participate in tournaments and outings while enjoying the sunshine and beautiful...

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A weekly look at the world of golf through the eyes of US Hole In One, the leader in hole in one contest insurance.


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for topics, please feel free to let us know by sending US Hole In One an email at info@USHoleInOne.com.