Month: July 2017

E-Golf: Online Tools To Help Your Game

What better place to locate the most recent and most data regarding any matter than the web. The web can enable you to choose if that agony in your lower mid-region is gas or a ruptured appendix, so is there any valid reason why it wouldn't have the capacity to enable...

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Beginner’s Luck?

What rhymes with 'beginner?' How about 'winner?' With US Hole In One, your amateurs have a greater chance of winning our grand prizes and giveaways than your pros. You heard the term beginners luck? A lot of our own hole-in-one winners are surprisingly beginners. At...

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A Beginner’s Guide to US Hole In One

Whether you have been a customer with us for years, or new to contest insurance, everyone needs a refresher course every once in a while. We want to teach you a 101 course on our services and the benefits that it has for your next tournament. So take notes and get...

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A New Way Of Expressing Yourself On The Green

Want to know how to say 'you appreciate your golfers?' Don't say it with words, but with emojis! We are currently in the age of customization and individual expression. So wouldn't it be nice to have your golfers truly express how they feel on the green? Your golfers...

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A weekly look at the world of golf through the eyes of US Hole In One, the leader in hole in one contest insurance.


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